A Creative Approach to Your Quality Of Life

Whitmire provides honest answers and creative care solutions.

If you want a holistic approach to improving or maintaining quality of life for you or a loved one – give us a call.

Founded in Seattle in 2003, we serve individuals of any age for any life event. Whether it’s Individuals and families needing guidance with complex care and medical needs, aging adults, or those in rehabilitation, we are here for support. We partner with individuals, their families, and any additional decision-makers to facilitate collaboration, clear communication, and tailored care. We primarily serve individuals throughout Washington State, from Bellingham to Olympia, Sequim to Spokane. Often, families live in different parts of the world but need in-state care for their loved ones. We are here to coordinate the care and services they need.

Our Services

  • care manager writing notes

    Care Management

    We balance the services you need to help you manage “the work” that is part of living your best life.

  • care consultant working with medical professional

    Care Consulting

    We strategize the best care plan including all professional and personal aspects that align with your family’s values, preferences, and budget.

  • social coach supporting young disabled woman


    We offer coaching and support for mastering social skills and life responsibilities.

  • Crisis Support

    We step in at any time during a health, family, or housing crisis to provide support, resources, and stability.

Why Whitmire?

A healthcare crisis can happen in an instant – such as an accident or a critical medical diagnosis. For others, a progressive condition may have needs that gradually increase over time. In these situations, individuals are looking for resources, answers, and solutions they can trust. That’s where we come in. 

We will listen to your story, make recommendations, and weigh your options in accordance with best practices to hopefully resolve any uncertainty or overwhelm that can arise in these situations. Our services are custom-tailored to fit a variety of needs, durations, and budgets.

Client, Family, and Loved Ones

We Journey With You

When you love someone with unique life circumstances, you assume many roles to provide ongoing services and the highest possible quality of life. To help their loved ones in need of care, including children, siblings, parents, relatives, neighbors, and friends, Whitmire works with a wide variety of people in charge of clinical care. 

  • Special Needs Children: From Birth through Independent Living and Estate Planning 

  • Aging Adults: In-Home Services and Appointment Coordination 

  • Crisis Support 

  • Rehabilitation and Clinical Coordination 

Our Role, and Yours 

We’ll take on the intricacies of clinical care coordination and case management so you can focus your energy on providing love, from near or afar. Whether you live with the care recipient, or on the other side of the country, we can keep you fully informed and connected while you balance life with work, retirement or leisure activities, and time with other loved ones. Quality of Life extends beyond the care recipient to everyone in their families and care circles. 

Our expert staff can help provide your loved one with optimum care. We provide a care plan, manage care staff, attend appointments, communicate with providers, realign providers as needed, and advocate for care needs. No matter what task is at hand, we’re boots-on-the-ground advocates for our clients and their families. In addition to managing services, we make sure that a client's values and preferences are always respected when care is provided, or decisions need to be made. 

If your situation is urgent, or if you’re just in the “planning and answers” stage, we can move at your pace pending our earliest available time to talk. 

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future… but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.

— Buddha